It is with an extremely heavy heart that reluctantly we are forced to announce …

The forthcoming joint “International Campervan Show” + “Adventure Overland Show” at Stratford-upon-Avon Racecourse the weekend of 25-26 April 2020 HAS BEEN CANCELLED.

We fully understand this will come as a major blow to the livelihoods of traders, caterers and entertainers, not to mention the disappointment felt by thousands of campers and day visitors, but the welfare of the public is our number one concern.

In addition, government advisories have also forced our hand. It is important to know that we would have carried on if we could, but having explored every avenue, we now find ourselves in a cul-de-sac with absolutely nowhere to go!

Current advice from the government for organisations arranging ‘mass gatherings’ (deemed over 500 persons) states:-

In line with the social distancing guidance it is advised that large gatherings should not take place. While the risks of transmitting the disease at mass gatherings are relatively low, these steps will also allow emergency services that would have been deployed for these events to be prioritised in alleviating pressure on public services.

Whilst it’s true we have our own private medical and security cover meaning the event would not be a burden to the emergency services, it is not our staff’s role to decide who gains admission to the event and who is refused (e.g. in the case of a high temperature/fever) – that isn’t in their remit!

Another major factor, the government also states:-

Everyone should now avoid non-essential travel and contact with others.

It is the combined advice of avoiding ‘mass gatherings’ and ‘non-essential travel’ that we have taken this unprecedented decision to cancel what would have been an event DOUBLE the size of anything seen before!

Despite never having never cancelled an event in over 20 years – I’ve always had the view that individually we should all have the choice of attending or not – even I concede that in this instance due to potential spread of the virus it would be morally irresponsible going ahead ‘come what may’. Having gained more knowledge over recent days it is now clear running the event could put attendees and even their families at home at risk, so have decided to take the decision out of the hands of traders and visitors.

We said from the very start of this horrendous Coronavirus pandemic that we would “follow the advice issued by the government’s medical advisers”, this is exactly what we have done.

A further update regarding bookings/refunds/etc. will follow. Until then, be aware that all bookings will be differed to the ‘Late Summer’ edition of the event 19-20 September 2020 at Stratford-upon-Avon Racecourse. If you can’t make it in September, please email me at

Many more big decisions will have to be made in the coming days; all we can do at present is take a step at a time.

Three important things:-

  1. A personal apology to one and all as I advertised an event and didn’t deliver.
  1. To the event’s team of dedicated non-paid volunteers, especially Damo Jones of Inspiring Campers who went above and beyond the call of duty booking in as many traders and display vehicles as he did, Ash and myself would like to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
  1. Strength often comes from adversity, so we will come back stronger than ever!

Trying times ahead so stay safe everybody. Hopefully if all goes well we will see you at the ‘Late Summer’ edition of the event 19-20 September 2020 at Stratford-upon-Avon Racecourse.

Thank you for understanding.


Tom McGuigan

(Event Director)